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Hands-on-Experience on achieving State of the Art results on classifying EuroSAT satellite images using Keras
A brief description of DATASET:
In this post, I will show you how to obtain near state of the art performance on Sentinel-2 satellite images (RGB color space) provided within the scope of the Earth observation program Copernicus. This post is a small part of my project (Mapping Infrastructure and Monitor Urbanization in European Countries using deep learning) which I did at the German Research Centre for AI. The dataset is freely available and can be downloaded from color space images).
What Strategy Worked
Fine tuning/Transfer Learning of a ResNet-50 architecture already trained on imagenet dataset worked really well for this challenge.
What is Fine Tuning/Transfer Learning of Network?
Fine Tuning is the process where we fine-tune existing networks(also known as Transfer Learning) like vgg-16, resnet-50, googleNet etc. that are already trained on a larger dataset like ImageNet(1.2M labeled images) by continuing training it (i.e. running back-propagation) on…